Message from Dr. Saadoun Hammadi, Foreign Minister of the Republic of Iraq, to Dr. Fidel Castro, Chairman of the Sixth Nonaligned Summit (April 2, 1980)
You are doubtless aware of the role played by the delegation of the Republic of Iraq in supporting the admission of Iran as a member of the Nonalignment Movement during the Sixth Summit Conference of the Movement convened in Havana (September 1979) after the recent change that took place in Iran. Iraq's support emanated from its belief that Iran, following the changes taking place in it, would liquidate the vestiges of the expansionist and racist policies pursued by the Shahinshah regime, contribute to the strengthening of the Nonalignment Movement, enhance its unity and active role in international relations, and promote the spirit of cooperation among the member states of the Movement, in consensus with the principles, objectives and resolutions of that Movement. The actions and practices of the Iranian Government, and the statements made by Iranian officials at the highest level, however, proved otherwise. Iran is still acting in the same manner as it did under the previous regime. It is still pursuing the same expansionist and racist policies, the seizure of lands by force and the issuing of threats. It perpetuates its illegitimate occupation of the three Arab islands in the Arab Gulf (Greater Tumb, Lesser Tumb and Abu Musa), interferes in the internal affairs of other states, and threatens the use of force against member states of the Movement. This runs counter to the principles and objectives of the Nonalignment Movement.
It may be appropriate to refer in this connection to the statement made by Abul Hassan Bani Sadr, the President of the Republic of Iran, in the periodical called "an-Nahar al-Arabi wa al-Dawli" published in its number 151 dated March 24, 1980, to the effect that Iran would not forego its claims on the three Arab islands and that the Arab countries of Abu Dhabi, Qatar, Oman, Dubai, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia are not independent states as far as Iran is concerned.
Mr. President,
I feel confident that you will agree with me that the above statement constitutes a direct threat against and a flagrant interference in the internal affairs of a group of member states of the Movement. This undoubtedly creates an atmosphere of tension among the member states of the Movement, leads to a disturbance of the security and peace in the area, stirs up conflicts among the member states of the Movement, and consequently satisfies the objectives of the enemies of the Movement who aim to weaken its unity.
This indicates that Iran has begun to lose the conditions of membership of the Nonalignment Movement, in view of its failure to abide by its principles which call for non-interference in the internal affairs of others, refrainment from the threat of the use of force, and respect for the sovereignty and independence of other states.
The Government of the Republic of Iraq would like its non-recognition of the illegitimate occupation by Iran of the three Arab islands (Greater Tumb, Lesser Tumb and Abu Musa) and all the results that may ensue from such an occupation to be put on the record, and demands the immediate withdrawal of Iran from these islands.
I shall be grateful, Excellency, if you will kindly circulate this letter to the member states of the Nonalignment Movement as an official document of the Movement.
Please accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration, along with my heartfelt greetings.
Dr. Saadoun Hammadi,
Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Iraq
His Excellency, Dr. Fidel Castro Ruz,
President of the Sixth Conference of the Nonaligned Heads of State and Governments, Havana